We are here for your story. Every individual’s life is a unique passage as you walk through this earth. We’d like to help you make the journey fulfilling and fruitful.

We begin with a comprehensive client intake, understanding your concerns, and helping you set your goals. Each session is customised with a tailored blend of talk therapy, self clarification, and meditative self awareness. How do you see yourself? How do you communicate with yourself? What are the obstacles you’re allowing to get in your way? By the end of it you should be: aware of your feelings and emotions, conscious of your breath, connected with your body, and working towards holistic alignment. We use techniques from western counselling, Gestalt, Buddhist mind studies, the yogic and Indic understanding of the body, and Vedic philosophy, to help you understand and feel better aligned with the course of your life.

We walk and work with you on your self.

Heart Like Ocean

You carry so much within you, great depths, great storms, great tears, great emotions, also, in this day and age, great clutter. Sometimes it’s still, sometimes it’s a heaving mess. It is not done to you. It is you. Become a wave. Be the ocean.

Mind Like Sky

You’re being hit with a major life change - death, divorce, loss, relocation, career change, sexual orientation. You need calm. You need to catch your breath. You need to feel the ground beneath your feet. Sit. Be still. Meditate.


The Enzo Circle