We come together in a support group based on the Buddhist principle of the sangha. We may each be on our individual journeys, but we can learn about our loneliness and suffering from each other as well. We use a combination of meditation, counselling interventions and talk therapy techniques.

We meet every weekend. Do check the Book An Appointment section for details on dates and times Participants are from all around the world and the sessions are in English. We do not record sessions or make them public. We do not convene outside specified sessions.

The Enzo Circle

We read books therapeutically. These could relate to spirituality, reconciliation, inner child, creativity and awareness, death and life, joy and pain. We parse them for meaning that resonates with some or all of us and share the lived experience of insight. These are in depth readings and sometimes we stay with a work for around 4-10 sessions, as long as a book needs for us to grasp its essence and assimilate it into our lives.

Our books for 2024 are: The Myth of Normal, Gabor Mate, Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind Shunryu Suzuki, The Courage to be Disliked, Ichiro Kishimi & Fumitake Koga, Don't believe everything you think, Joseph Nguyen, What makes you not a buddhist, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, Poetry Pharmacy: Tried-and-True Prescriptions for the Heart, Mind and Soul, William Sieghert.

Sundays at 20:00. Online. Worldwide.


Personal Sessions